Friday, July 29, 2011

blog beautify

So today I changed the cursor of the blog, as you can see. Is it cute? Haha.
I also added a tinkerbell effect to the mouse. It's pretty. * u *

Hope you guys like it!

So much despair.

Before I begin and delve into all the events that have happened since last month, I would like to apologize for this absence of posts. I have been lost lately: not really doing anything, yet busy. Summer is here, which should be great, of course, but I feel overwhelmed by the upcoming year. Oh well. It's time to let go.

Romeo and Tigerlily are a mess. I was so depressed about them because of a recent "situation" I have had to deal with. My parents and I went off to New York right as summer break began. Through lots of weighing my options, I decided to board them with Richmond HRS. It turned out to be NOT so great an idea.

They were boarded in a large puppy pen. It was cute, but there were lots of other rabbits around (they later informed me that some were even not fixed!). Apparently they had some sort of a fight, most likely due to new smells, territory, etc., and one rabbit jumped out. They weren't sure which one but later said it might have been Tigerlily. She had lots of nips but it wasn't bad and she's all healed by now. The worst part of it all was that they can't see each other without fighting anymore. It's so sad, just so sad. :'(

I tried re-bonding them again at first but they really hate each other. In fact, once, they stopped biting each other and just sat together. I thought they were okay but all the sudden, Romeo got up and Tigerlily over reacted. She nipped his behind and there was a huge wound. Oh my gosh. I was so worried. It was kind of deep and about a centimeter's radius. He kept grooming it and he obviously was uncomfortable. I rinsed it out with 1/3 part isopropanyl alcohol. I expected it to sting but he didn't kick. I later found out that it wasn't a great idea. I also applied neosporin for about three days. Surprisingly, after tossing and turning with worry, it began to grow together and it's totally healed now! I can't even tell where it was~ :) Anyways, I've paused the bonding process. I'm going to wait until they're older and more mature.

Awhile ago I found small beginnings of sore hocks on Tigerlily's back feet. Again, I could not sleep for a few days. It was horrible. I thought they might get infected but it turns out that they're not so bad and a lot of rabbits have this problem, even if their flooring is super soft already. I put a fleece blanket under each of their side's of the cage and am hoping it won't progress!

A crazy thing happened. THE RABBITS ARE OUTSIDE NOW. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! My parents have been insisting for awhile that my dad build a hutch with 3 sides and 1 side our window. What. I hated it, I opposed, I cried, but they would not give in. This is what sucks about living with your parents. Once I'm old enough, have my own place, they're coming inside with me. >:( Rabbits can get soooo many diseases from being outside, like fly strike, fur mites, etc. I'm so scared. The good thing is that they have a huge space now. The hutch is wood and totally closed in with only two windows that are covered in strong wire and that we close each night. The door is super strong with a good hatch. We open it during the day and have wire underneath the door. The wire is NIC cubes, actually. It's difficult to explain and I'll post pictures later. Anyways, I painted it white on the outside where the rabbits can't get to the paint. The floor is covered in laminate tile and I'm gonna get my dad to cut some carpet to put over it asap! They each have their fleece blankets, a hidey house, litterbox, hay rack, water bottle, food bowl, and lots of toys. They're pretty happy out there but I still worry.

I know it's as safe as it can be outside though. It's in our "side yard" where there's three walls. It's kind of like a dent in our floor plan. It has one side full windows where we can see them (this is also the one side of their hutch). The side where it's not our house is a super high gate where nothing can get through. It's also difficult to explain. I will take pictures as soon as I can, I promise.

Well. That's where they're at at the moment. Thanks for reading this long thing, haha.

By the way, I just got my bottom two wisdom teeth extracted through oral surgery. I look like a freaking chipmunk. It's horrible. D: