Sunday, March 13, 2011


New addition to our family: Tigerlily! Sadly, we had to take Apricot back last week and I miss her but we have Tigerlily now. She's a calm (very calm) Creme d'Argent. Although she's Apricot's sister and somehow looks like her, she is very different. She is well litter trained and sort of aloof. She's also pretty big. Haha. She has a funny looking spot on her forehead but I could swear that it's gotten smaller.

Yesterday I took her and Romeo outside, during different times just in cast of a fight. I accidentally spooked her and she went crazy. Her ears were alert and she raised her tail ready to attack. She mainly just ran away (SUPER FAST) whenever we got near her. We had to trick her into a box to take her home and let her calm down. All in all she's very easily spooked. She's not at all as outgoing as Apricot and often just sits in the corner of her cage. I hope she's not depressed. She eats little and has different habits than Romeo.

The flaky stuff in Romeo's left ear that the people at LPS said was ear wax has clogged everything up. I e-mailed Suzi and she said she'll come over to treat him. (yay!)

As for Romeo and Tilly (Tigerlily's super cute nickname) bonding, it's going better than it did with Apricot. I put them in the shower everyday for about an hour and they groom each other. I can tell it's still tense at times but Tilly isn't much of a biter. Sometimes she'll nip him gently and he'll lose a little fur but he hasn't fought back. The reason we adopted Tilly was that Romeo seemed to like her a lot. He started grooming her the moment Suzi put her in the bonding enclosure. I have a feeling they'll be fine with time. As for now, they're separated in the cage and although their personal space is small they seem to be doing okay. They haven't fought between the grids and they can see each other at any time!

Romeo and Tilly chillaxin'

Exploring the shower

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