Friday, July 29, 2011

blog beautify

So today I changed the cursor of the blog, as you can see. Is it cute? Haha.
I also added a tinkerbell effect to the mouse. It's pretty. * u *

Hope you guys like it!

So much despair.

Before I begin and delve into all the events that have happened since last month, I would like to apologize for this absence of posts. I have been lost lately: not really doing anything, yet busy. Summer is here, which should be great, of course, but I feel overwhelmed by the upcoming year. Oh well. It's time to let go.

Romeo and Tigerlily are a mess. I was so depressed about them because of a recent "situation" I have had to deal with. My parents and I went off to New York right as summer break began. Through lots of weighing my options, I decided to board them with Richmond HRS. It turned out to be NOT so great an idea.

They were boarded in a large puppy pen. It was cute, but there were lots of other rabbits around (they later informed me that some were even not fixed!). Apparently they had some sort of a fight, most likely due to new smells, territory, etc., and one rabbit jumped out. They weren't sure which one but later said it might have been Tigerlily. She had lots of nips but it wasn't bad and she's all healed by now. The worst part of it all was that they can't see each other without fighting anymore. It's so sad, just so sad. :'(

I tried re-bonding them again at first but they really hate each other. In fact, once, they stopped biting each other and just sat together. I thought they were okay but all the sudden, Romeo got up and Tigerlily over reacted. She nipped his behind and there was a huge wound. Oh my gosh. I was so worried. It was kind of deep and about a centimeter's radius. He kept grooming it and he obviously was uncomfortable. I rinsed it out with 1/3 part isopropanyl alcohol. I expected it to sting but he didn't kick. I later found out that it wasn't a great idea. I also applied neosporin for about three days. Surprisingly, after tossing and turning with worry, it began to grow together and it's totally healed now! I can't even tell where it was~ :) Anyways, I've paused the bonding process. I'm going to wait until they're older and more mature.

Awhile ago I found small beginnings of sore hocks on Tigerlily's back feet. Again, I could not sleep for a few days. It was horrible. I thought they might get infected but it turns out that they're not so bad and a lot of rabbits have this problem, even if their flooring is super soft already. I put a fleece blanket under each of their side's of the cage and am hoping it won't progress!

A crazy thing happened. THE RABBITS ARE OUTSIDE NOW. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! My parents have been insisting for awhile that my dad build a hutch with 3 sides and 1 side our window. What. I hated it, I opposed, I cried, but they would not give in. This is what sucks about living with your parents. Once I'm old enough, have my own place, they're coming inside with me. >:( Rabbits can get soooo many diseases from being outside, like fly strike, fur mites, etc. I'm so scared. The good thing is that they have a huge space now. The hutch is wood and totally closed in with only two windows that are covered in strong wire and that we close each night. The door is super strong with a good hatch. We open it during the day and have wire underneath the door. The wire is NIC cubes, actually. It's difficult to explain and I'll post pictures later. Anyways, I painted it white on the outside where the rabbits can't get to the paint. The floor is covered in laminate tile and I'm gonna get my dad to cut some carpet to put over it asap! They each have their fleece blankets, a hidey house, litterbox, hay rack, water bottle, food bowl, and lots of toys. They're pretty happy out there but I still worry.

I know it's as safe as it can be outside though. It's in our "side yard" where there's three walls. It's kind of like a dent in our floor plan. It has one side full windows where we can see them (this is also the one side of their hutch). The side where it's not our house is a super high gate where nothing can get through. It's also difficult to explain. I will take pictures as soon as I can, I promise.

Well. That's where they're at at the moment. Thanks for reading this long thing, haha.

By the way, I just got my bottom two wisdom teeth extracted through oral surgery. I look like a freaking chipmunk. It's horrible. D:

Friday, June 17, 2011

Long time no post, haha. I had finals this past week so I've been super busy. The rabbits are doing great! My dad came back a few days ago so they've been getting a bunch of attention. :) These photos were taken a few weeks ago by my mom and I while we let them outside to play. Aren't they adorable? These pictures actually do them a little justice, haha.

Last week Romeo's stomach was upset again. I don't know why but he probably ate too much. He can't control himself. It happened at night and he just sat there looking sad and refusing treats. My mom and i were beyond worried. We gave him belly rubs and sat with him forever.The next morning he was his usual self again, yay!

P.S. Can you spot the mysterious rabbit ears in the first picture? :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

blog changes

Hi everyone! I'm taking a break from studying~

So I was looking through my blog making sure that everything was in place when I realized it's really not that easy to navigate!
For this reason, I have adjusted the placement of things.
As you can see, I have moved the various pages underneath the banner.
I also renamed the "my bunnies★" page to "bunny profiles★".
I have also adjusted the order of the gadgets on the right side column.

I hope this makes it easier to read!~

Don't forget to follow!


Saturday, April 23, 2011


I don't think I'm going to have time to post tomorrow (AP TEST SOON ; o;) so here is my


Please keep in mind that no one, without proper education about rabbits, preparation, and devotion, should adopt a rabbit. Please visit for more info.

Here is a chocolate Lindt bunny my friend Alene gave me today (thank you!):
Isn't it cute? 

Alright, enjoy Easter everyone!


Today my mom and I renovated the rabbit cage! We extended out the NIC cubes and took down the ones we used to cover the top. Romeo jumping out isn't really an issue anymore because all he wants to do is be with Tigerlily. c:

Here's what it looks like:

It's basically the same thing but lots bigger.

They have room to jump around now! Anyways, the reason we did this is because today was the one month mark to apply Romeo's ear medicine. Before we put him back we have to make sure everything's clean so my mom and I just switched out the old carpet for new carpet! It's very clean and nice-looking. They're still exploring though and it's confusing to them. They're already much at home though! (I'm really happy because I've been trying to advocate more space for a long time now haha~)

Here they are, enjoying~

Look at Romeo!
This is my favorite picture!
Haha! Tigerlily is funny looking.

Aww. Tigerlily is beautiful.

They're so cute...

Aren't they perfect? So that's all I have for today. Hope you enjoyed all the new pictures!
I also took a video of them awhile back so I will upload to youtube asap and post it here.

 Yesterday I let Romeo and Tigerlily out for a long time. Romeo ventured out to the rest of the house, just like the old times! I was so happy that he was binkying again. In fact, as I was sitting with him in the living room, he scared me with a sudden binky of joy! It was great.

Tigerlily chose to stay in the hallway. She binkyed like a crazy bunny and was very interested in the shoes! She ran around fearlessly. My little bunny is growing up. :) She came over and begged for treats with Romeo and their cuteness made me spoil them with sweets.

Fear not, they are having a wonderful time!

Thanks for reading!

Last Weekend~

Last weekend my mom and I visited TARGET!
We bought stuff for and about bunnies so here are lots of pictures! (I know, I need to post more pictures. D:)
cute easter bunny bowl~ (that's olive oil inside)
Duct tape to try and fix the windowsill biting problem. ; o;
And here is the windowsill with the pretty duct tape~
Unfortunately they still bite the window sill. D: Tigerlily has especially taken a liking to it. But hey, we tried...again. :)

So yes, you're probably wondering how they got out. We let them out! We figured Tigerlily and Romeo really needed their exercise so I let them out. Tigerlily binkies on the welcome mat and Romeo follows her, haha. It's really cute and they have so much fun~

Okay, that's all for now!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Updates on Romeo's Ear

First of all I would like to again note the close bond that Romeo and Tigerlily share. I feel as if no one could ever tear them apart. :) This is happy-making.

Every other day my mom and I have been dropping baby oil into Romeo's ears. I first wrap him into a bunny burrito and then we begin. Romeo hates it. After 3 times he started to predict the event. Whenever I lay the bunny burrito cloth on the floor he would run home. I actually had  to grab him from his hidey house. Poor boy, it must be so uncomfortable. The good thing is that Tigerlily always helps him lick his ears after we put in the oil. She likes to lay next to Romeo when he's uncomfortable. :)

Anyways, the main point of this post is to say that Romeo's ears are well on their way to recovery. In fact today when I looked at them with a flashlight there was no gunk left! His ears are also normal colored now. :) I'm so happy for him~ I will still need to use the second dose of medication though. I will apply it near the 24th this month. :)

Today I brought Romeo outside to play for the first time in a long time. He ran around doing binkies and in all naughtiness, nibbled on stuff he's not supposed to! Bad boy! Overall, however, he did very well. I brushed him a little because he's heavily shedding. Tigerlily on the other hand hardly sheds at all. I wonder why. o:

That's all for today. :D

P.S. Happy birthday Daddy~

Monday, March 28, 2011

Miracle Bonding.

I am happy to announce that Romeo and Tilly are BFFS.

They have been staying together 24/7 for about a week now. It was slightly shaky the first day and Tigerlily bit off tiny parts of Romeo's fur but they still overall did fine.

Now they could not be better. They are ALWAYS together. Romeo follows Tilly around and Tilly follows Romeo around. They're always lying down together, eating together, grooming together, grooming each other, playing together....the works. :)

Recently I put back the bunny house my dad made. They were very territorial about it, especially in the beginning when Tilly wouldn't let Romeo inside (haha). It's fine now though. They never ever quarrel. <3
Furthermore, I took out the extra litterbox. It's great because they either take turns or when they can't hold it in, squeeze in together. c:

Tigerlily's fur has been changing colors. At first (look at the pictures!) she had a big clump of orange colored fur on her forehead. It's almost entirely gone now. Only a few strands are orange but otherwise her forehead fur blends in with the rest of her fur. She's much much prettier now. She's a beautiful rabbit. I will take pictures soon to show you!~

So yeah. That's what's been going on with my two darlings. c:
Happy news, huh? <3

Romeo's Left Ear

Today Suzi came to look at Romeo's ear. It has progressed and there's a LOT of the clumpy stuff in there now. He scratches it like crazy and the fur around it is thinning. It's very scary looking.

Yesterday night Suzi emailed me and said that I should put in a little bit of oil in his ear to soften the gunk. It was difficult getting him to stop kicking in my arms (he doesn't like to be held anymore, probably because of his ear pain) but we did it! My mom dropped in a little oil that got everywhere on his ears. I hope some of it made it to the gunk, haha.

Anyways, Suzi came over and she brought some Revolution mites medicine. It's the liquid kind that you can smear between his shoulders. She also treated Tigerlily just in case. We're supposed to add more oil after a week and re apply the meds after a month. Suzi mentioned that it might even be earwax but only a vet can tell after lab procedures. Either way the Revolution meds cause no harm so she used it just in case.

Romeo will get better soon-- back to his usual self. I just know it. c:

P.S. THANK YOU SUZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hay racks

My mom came up with a wonderful idea to make a hay rack! We found these "drawer organizers" for a dollar and bought two. They're made with the same material as the NIC grids. We tied the bottom to the cage with tie straps and use two clothes pins to fasten the top. This way we can easily add hay or grass! It works VERY well and they no longer have to eat their pee-soaked hay... (not that they do. We always end up throwing it away.)
Yumyumyum. (flash causes scary red eyes haha)


New addition to our family: Tigerlily! Sadly, we had to take Apricot back last week and I miss her but we have Tigerlily now. She's a calm (very calm) Creme d'Argent. Although she's Apricot's sister and somehow looks like her, she is very different. She is well litter trained and sort of aloof. She's also pretty big. Haha. She has a funny looking spot on her forehead but I could swear that it's gotten smaller.

Yesterday I took her and Romeo outside, during different times just in cast of a fight. I accidentally spooked her and she went crazy. Her ears were alert and she raised her tail ready to attack. She mainly just ran away (SUPER FAST) whenever we got near her. We had to trick her into a box to take her home and let her calm down. All in all she's very easily spooked. She's not at all as outgoing as Apricot and often just sits in the corner of her cage. I hope she's not depressed. She eats little and has different habits than Romeo.

The flaky stuff in Romeo's left ear that the people at LPS said was ear wax has clogged everything up. I e-mailed Suzi and she said she'll come over to treat him. (yay!)

As for Romeo and Tilly (Tigerlily's super cute nickname) bonding, it's going better than it did with Apricot. I put them in the shower everyday for about an hour and they groom each other. I can tell it's still tense at times but Tilly isn't much of a biter. Sometimes she'll nip him gently and he'll lose a little fur but he hasn't fought back. The reason we adopted Tilly was that Romeo seemed to like her a lot. He started grooming her the moment Suzi put her in the bonding enclosure. I have a feeling they'll be fine with time. As for now, they're separated in the cage and although their personal space is small they seem to be doing okay. They haven't fought between the grids and they can see each other at any time!

Romeo and Tilly chillaxin'

Exploring the shower

Saturday, February 26, 2011

new page!

I added many new pictures to the "photos of bunny ★" page. In addition, I have added a new page titled "my bunnies★". Here I will post profiles of my bunnies for my records and your information. :) I'll be posting more updates soon because so much has happened since I stopped posting. More pictures soon to come!

it's been a long time

It has been so long since my last post and lots of stuff has happened since then. Romeo is doing great, of course. I'll update with the major events that happened throughout my absence from the blog!

First off, I have great excuses for not posting! First it was school, finals, broken laptop, then my internet was down for a week. Finally I have found time to update! The picture on the left is my mom and my failed plan to protect the window sill. We covered it in aluminum foil and pinned it down with thumbtacks. It did NOT work. Romeo only pulled at it and now it's a huge mess that we're too lazy to clean up. Good news though, Romeo doesn't chew there anymore, haha!

This is a fleece baby blanket my mom bought for
me to sit on next to Romeo. The tile is very cold. :) It now serves multiple purposes like catching stray hay and even bundling up Romeo! See how cute he is? :D

Romeo also has gone outside many times! At first he flattened out too scared to take a step but he started exploring after a few trips. Our enclosed patio is now one of his favorite places to play. In addition, he started to explore the rest of the house. He now has access to whatever place he wants to go! Of course, however, he only can venture out during his playtime. :)

The most exciting update of all is his new buddy, Apricot. She's a pretty tan bunny that we adopted at LPS three weeks ago. At first she was too skinny but she's healthy now... :) Suzi took her in from a shelter because the other bunnies picked on her. She had tiny nips all over. It's healed, and she's doing well. The most important thing, though, is how she and Romeo don't exactly belong together... At first, she would sniff Romeo's bunny butt and try to nip him in order to establish dominance and Romeo simply took it like the gentlebunny he is. :) But after a while, he grew tired of her picking on him and decided to fight back! They engaged in several bouts resulting in a bleeding nose in Romeo and two large tufts of fur fallen from Apricot. Poor bunnies. Another thing is that Apricot is not well litter trained! Suzi says that her peeing everywhere is simply her way of saying she's boss. It's a huge pain though, especially to my mom. After a long time of decision making, we decided to swap her in for a different, mellower bunny who might not lunge at Romeo! If all goes according to plan, we'll be visiting LPS next week. I'm slightly sad though because I really really like Apricot. She's really sweet.
The pictures are of when Romeo and Apricot were doing really great together. After Romeo started fighting back there was no more grooming to be seen.

Friday, January 7, 2011

day seventeen: a whole week!

Romeo is doing very, very, good. Despite my excess of homework and busy schedule, I have managed to squeeze in more than an hour of playtime everyday at night. He enjoys free time so much and is always very excited to come out and play. Binkies are his favorite pastime, right behind eating treats and veggies. He has been eating lots and it's so reassuring to know he's happy when he does his binkies. Yesterday, he jumped extremely high--well past a foot. He's a very energetic bunny. :)

His chewing habits haven't improved but they haven't worsened either. He still gnaws at the window sill occasionally but not as much as before. All in all, he's having a great time and I find myself missing him everyday at school. :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

day twelve: romeo's home changes!

I know I haven't posted for awhile but I've been busy and Romeo has been adjusting so well there's nothing to talk about.

Today, my mom and my dad found romeo a little blankety cloth and we just put it in his little box-home. He doesn't seem to like it much. It smells funny and he's more interested in food!

A few days ago, my mom woke up and saw Romeo on the second floor! I guess he figured out that there was something there and just jumped up. :) He now goes up all the time when he's hungry or bored. That little jump is like nothing to him!

He's been eating a lot. I think it's because he's growing rapidly (okay, maybe not). He's eating like a true pig! I never expected such a little thing to eat so much! My grandpa feeds him hay in the morning, my mom feeds his pellets, and my dad feeds him grass. Then I get up (I get up very late!) and feed him whatever he wants. He eats and drinks so much I think he's going to burst. I don't want to starve him though! We're starting to give him more greens throughout the day. I know what he likes and dislikes now. :'D

The other day we found a spare toilet paper roll. I read online that bunnies like to play with these. One way for them to play is to stuff it with hay and watch as they try to get it. I did just that and Romeo hated it. He got frustrated the moment he saw it and nudged it aside. Then he picked it up with his little mouth and shook it like a cat plays with it's food. The hay all spilled out and he ate happily. He's a grumpy one, he is. :)

Okay then, I'll post soon~ School starts tomorrow so I don't know how much time I'll have. Blahh. D: