Thursday, December 30, 2010

day eight && day nine

day eight
Yes, I know I didn't post yesterday! I didn't see the point because Romeo didn't do much until it was too late to post. Yesterday before bed at around 11 pm or 12 pm, Romeo wanted to come out and play. He was a super-sweetie so I let him out. He sat there and licked me. He climbed onto my lap and let me pet him even though he knew that I had no food. I feel like he has accepted me. :)

day nine
This post was supposed to be a "love on Romeo" post but this morning, he decided to show his super-naughty side. He ran around and chewed up the window sill. Not only that but he also created noise and havoc in his cage. Once again, he is on probation and can't come out until he learns to behave. Bad bunny, bad!

I still love him though. :)

As for me, I just finished my homework. Yes, I have a lot. ; o;

fun websites ♥
house rabbit blog has an ah-mazing 24/7 webcam of two adorable bunnies: Ginger (flemish giant) and JuJu (blue dutch). Check it out. :)
bklyn bunny has another cute webcam. Roebling is the bunny in question. :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

day seven: nothing happens

Romeo just chilled today. Julia (from Austria!), Alene, my mom, and Alene's mom went to Oakland Museum of California to see the Pixar exhibition. It was lots of fun. Meanwhile, my dad hung out with Romeo. Romeo tried radish leaves today, and he loveslovesloves them! :) He's so sweet. <3

Monday, December 27, 2010

day six: home alone

Today Romeo was home by himself for a long time. We went out to Pigeon's Point Beach and walked around in the sand (in other words, we didn't do much). In the morning we prepared for him extra hay and pellets (which he consumed on the spot). I think he slept all day because it's super quiet in the hills when we're not home. He didn't drink too much water and didn't pee or poop a lot. He was probably pretty bored. My mom let him out to play before we left and he just wandered around curiously sniffing. After we got back I let him out to play again. He went binky-crazy after I fed him two large romaine lettuce leaves and a small bit of apple. He acted properly --just as a gentleman bunny should. :)

I kept thinking about him all day and watched his videos on my camera. I have no life except for little Romeo. :) I wonder how I'll survive once school starts. Anyways, he wants to play again so I'm gonna go let him out. :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

day five: romeo gets company

Charlotte and Julia came over today. Romeo wasn't shy, but he sure was naughty! I think he gets confused after he gets held (Charlotte held him today!). After that, he started chewing at the window sill again. After they left (it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice seeing them~) I let Romeo out again. He was perfectly perfect and didn't do anything bad until I held him. Right after, he went to nibble. I think it's his punishment for me...

Anyways, I filmed part of his adventure.
He's cute, isn't he? Anyways, he's doing great. During the video, he responded to each and every one of my calls for him to come over. He's really sweet and smart. He ignored me when Charlotte and Julia were here though. I think he gets really confused when lots of people are around. The same went for when Alene came over. He's either shy or crazy. :)

We fed him lots of apple. He's spoiled rotten. He kept begging and begging for more. We couldn't resist that little face...

So yeah, have a great break. Romeo is having a great time!

P.S. photos are updated !


Here's another video from a few days ago. Enjoy~

Saturday, December 25, 2010


I just had another bonding session with Romeo. He's such a sweetie and I can't resist his little eyes. :) He just ran around me for the hour doing binkies and licking my hands. The TV was on and sometimes the noises scared him but when I called out his name he calmed down. I think we're friends now. I love him so much.

My mom and I taught him a begging trick. Now he stands on his hind legs and offers a bunny paw when he wants treats. It's so cute. I can't help but to pamper him and feed him little bits of apple.

His severe need for chewing has already decreased. I think this is because of our consistent "no" and clapping. He understands us now and I feel like we know each other as close, close friends.

Although he has proves himself everyday, I still marvel at his smartness. He hasn't pooped or peed anywhere other than his litter box. Of course, there is the occasional poopy that sticks to his little bunny butt and ends up somewhere in his cage but that's unavoidable.

He's drinking now and he consumes his orchard hay so quickly. He seems to gobble it up on the spot and I have to refill it. It's just fiber with minimal calories, so he should be fine. He pooped a lot yesterday. I cleaned his litter box this morning and half of it was filled with little poopies. He ate a lot yesterday though, so it makes sense.

Anyways, I just needed to record that hour of bonding with him. I think it's a mile marker in our friendship.

Romeo sends his regards. I think he sees the light of the laptop. :)

P.S. My friends Julia (she just came back from Austria) and Charlotte (she has two darling Netherland Dwarf bunnies) are coming tomorrow to visit me and Romeo. I miss them. :) A shout-out to Ebony, one of Charlotte's adorable bunnies who is recovering from a parasite infestation. Good luck little girl~

not-so-innocent on day four

Romeo's not scared of me AT ALL anymore. Yesterday night he was going crazy making loud noises as he shook his cardboard boxes to and fro. When I went to check how he was doing, I would see him sitting there like nothing happened. He would be sitting there all innocently like the way he did in his "AND THE CANDIDATES ARE..." picture. He would look at me with his large sweet eyes and hop on over to the edge of the cage wanting to play. He's such a sweetie but I can never catch him in the act. He's a funny bunny, he is.

I also opened the new oxbow hay we got from LPS. He LOVES it. He's been munching on it all day and we refill it many, many times.

I think I was right to name him Romeo. Yesterday I tested to see if he liked Parsley (from our own garden) or Romaine Lettuce more. I put both near him, had him smell both, and he picked Romaine Lettuce both times. He ate the Parsley, but it wasn't his first choice. Today morning I fed him some Clover (also from our own garden) and he refused to eat the stem. I don't think he likes it much...

At 11 pm yesterday, he wanted desperately to come out and play. My mom, dad, and I let him out and it was a true miracle. He didn't pause even once to chew at the window sill. He did paw at the wall but it wasn't a big deal. He's much much braver now and set out to find new play areas. We didn't let him because it's not bunny-proofed, but it was cute watching him try. He approached us and licked our hands while submitting to a few back rubs. :) He's a true darling.

It's Christmas today and we all got presents. Romeo got three! I gave him some cat toys that jingle when he pushes them around. He picked one that was his favorite and stowed it away in his hide-away house. He likes to pick it up with his teeth and shake it around like a lion with prey. He enjoys the jingling and it's his treasure now. I'm happy he's so happy.

He really is a fatty though. He eats all day long minus sleeping time and playing time. He eats soooo much!! I hope he doesn't eat toooo much. He needs to monitor himself! (:

Anyways, Merry Christmas! Romeo says hi. :)

Here is a video from yesterday. There's that cute yawn. :'D

Friday, December 24, 2010


I decided to film Romeo for Bunspace while he was doing what he does in his litter box. He did the CUTEST little yawn I have ever seen. I think he was posing for the cam! I have to upload to Youtube first and then post it onto Bunspace through that. I'll post it on the blog soon soon soon~

day three : ROMEO

Bunny is completely used to me. He likes nibbling my clothes and getting pets. He climbs onto my legs and nibbles me. He's so cute! He also sleeps, eats, drinks, and poops a lot! His chew toys are actually being used slightly and they're worn on the sides. Today I cleaned out his litter box while he was "sleeping". It turns out he was just chilling and as soon as I lifted his litter box, he ran right out to play. I think he felt it was weird that his toilet and food disappeared. I had to clean it quickly so he wouldn't pee anywhere.

His jumping skills are spectacular. He jumped over the coca cola box like it was nothing at all. It's so cute when he stands up. He really likes sniffing me and trying to be taller than me!

I tried to discipline him today. I clapped and said "NO" when he chewed ferociously (he reminds me of a lion sometimes..) on the cage wiring. He stopped after a few claps and he hasn't done it again. He's so smart. So, so smart.

He's asleep right now. His daily schedule is about the same each day though. He comes out really early in the morning, sleeps at about noon (and occasionally gets up to pee and poop). Then in the evening at around 6 pm he comes out and wants to play again. After he goes back to sleep and comes out again at 10pm or 11pm for more play. I don't know about the night. Sometimes he wakes me up and I hear him chewing on stuff.

Everyone says his chewing desire will pass or lessen with time. That's definitely good!

Today, in the morning, I let him out to play. My mom and dad blocked the window sill and blocked the narrow passageways with boxes. He's strong though and just crushed the boxes flat. Bad bunny!

I have officially named him Romeo. :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

so here's the truth

Today I found out from Suzi that bunny is actually 4 months old already! I thought he was 3 months haha. I guess this is good because it means he won't grow into a 20-pound rabbit... His mommy's 4 lbs but I don't know about his daddy. Suzi says that if he's a flemish giant, he'd be over 8 lbs by now. Although he definitely is not a flemish giant or even a giant rabbit (he's only 3.8 lbs right now) I keep feeling like he looks like one. His ears are so big and flemish looking! His fur is also kind of flemish-y. Maybe one of his parents is part flemish giant. You know, just a little. :) I hope he doesn't grow too big... I think 4.5 lbs is perfect for a little bunny like Bugs. :'D

He looks more like a mini rex to me anyways, just minus the velvet fur. It's a recessive gene (I learned this from a forum) and only purebred rex's have it. It's not too much of a benefit anyways because the extremely short fur means that his feet aren't well protected and can become very sore. I want Bugs to be comfortable and happy more than anything else. He just came out to munch on hay (he only eats it when he has nothing else to eat) and I went to watch him. He's so calm right now...

By the way, finding his weight was NOT easy. I read online that you can find their weight by weighing yourself and subtracting that from you + your bunny. This means that I have to pick him up. Bugs isn't really used to be idea of being picked up. My dad's really good with animals (well, cats and rabbits, anyways) so he picked him up. He stroked him gently near his head and he became very, very calm. My dad picked him up (the cage has really high sides so it's really difficult) and he struggled a little. He calmed him down and held him like a baby. Then he stroked him some more and he calmed down. After weighing, it was really scary to put him back. He started struggling like crazy and although my dad tried to calm him down, he wouldn't. He ended up dashing to his hide-away house and stayed there for 10 minutes. Then he came out and munched on hay and bunny droppings. c:

I'm still wondering about his birthday. I don't think Suzi knows and I definitely have no idea. Maybe I'll just take his adoption date and push it back 4 months. At least I'll have some sort of an idea for his age... In that case, his birthday would be August 22, 2010. I've always enjoyed August. :)

As for naming, I'm completely lost. Alene (my veryveryveryvery good friend!) came over awhile ago and Bugs (I'll just call him this for now) was very shy! It's so unlike him. At last, he came out because I lured him with some tasty romaine lettuce! He munched it just outside of his hide-away house just in case of danger. He's so cute I feel like squealing when he stands up. Anyways, we came up with this list:
Cedar (even though Cedar litter is bad for him!)
Chance (it's just a cute name)
Acorn (like in this easter bunny book I have...)
Darcy (pride and prejudice)
or, my personal favorite that my mom and I came up with, Romeo (no, not like romeo & juliet; more like romaine lettuce!)
Writing the birthday part of this post actually made me think his name could be August. It could be like in August Rush or something. I don't know. I just like that name.

Whatever his name will be, he's a lovely little boy and I have officially fallen in love with him.


Day two with bunny and he's already up to mischief! I should have followed the advice I found online not to let new bunnies into the home. I let him out twice today and he chewed up bits and pieces of the wood below the windows. It's terrible! He climbs into the small gap there and chews to his hearts content. My mom is mad and I'm miserable. ; o; I ended up buying a bunch of toys today for him to play with and keep himself occupied. I thought it might relieve his extreme need to nibble everything. He ignores his jingly ball. He only looks at the wood to chew. He ignores the paper tubes. He likes, however, to nibble his food bowl, the cage, and our house! He's a naughty bunny!!

At least I think he knows me though. He doesn't get spooked when I walk over to his cage and he doesn't flinch when I pet him. He doesn't want me to hold him though and I'm scared to force him. Today I had to direct him forcibly back to his cage though. He really is naughty! I think he's obsessed with getting out of the cage. He likes it, but it's even larger outside and he loves the long narrow passages.

This morning when I let him out, he did a bunch of binkys. I think he's really happy running around kind of freely. He doesn't really care to go into the living room or anything. He's content with chewing up the hall. Now I know how different bunnies are from cats or dogs. He can't understand me! When I say "NO" while he's chewing, he ignores me. I have to scare him off by gently hitting him. Even then, he just picks a new spot. The paint on the wood is terrible for him and I'm afraid he'll get sick. He's not gonna get to come out of his cage anytime soon! It's time for hands-on punishment. D:<

I don't want to affect our bonding though. I realize that if he gets too scared of me, he'll hate me forever. I have to find a way and be able to bond with him while not putting our house at stake. I think I might be more resistant when I open the door to his cage and push him back in. Otherwise, I have to lure him from the narrow passageways by pretending to have treats (I don't want to overfeed him!).

I posted a question on a bunny forum asking if anyone could determine his breed. Some people said that he's a Rex. After they found out that he's actually 3 lbs right now, they think he's a Flemish Giant. I don't agree. ; o; Suzi thinks he'll grow up to be only 4.5 lbs. He really looks like a Rex mix though. Maybe he's a Mini Rex? I'm just scared he'll grow to be 20 lbs. If so, I don't know what to do. I DEFINITELY can't house a 20-pound bunny in the house...even 9 lbs is too much. My mom thinks 4.5 lbs is even heavy. I'm going to ask Suzi what she thinks. I also want to know his birthday...

Bunny let me take pictures of him today! He didn't run away when he saw the camera and he just sat there pooping and drinking water. The pictures seriously don't do him justice though. He's MUCH cuter in rabbit. c: I'll post them when I'm not feeling so down...

As for naming, I'm at a loss. I don't want to end up just calling him Bunny though. I have to concentrate. o;< Think bunny names!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blog Updates

I took some pictures of bunny after we got home. He wasn't moving much and he seemed really scared. He warmed up really quickly though!

Photos of bunny will be posted in it's own page (photos of bunny ★) that you can find a look to on the right side menu. These photos will just be pictures I take of him for fun. Other pictures you can find under posts tagged "pictures". Please note that pictures I have not marked with my name are not mine. If they are marked by me, please do not take them.

Thank you~
Have fun scrolling through all of bunny's cuteness !

Edit// I NO LONGER MARK ANY PICTURES. So, just out of respect, take nothing. 


Bunny just came home a few hours ago. I never guessed I'd end up adopting Bugs ! He is the cutest little bunny ever! He's tiny, sweet, and curious! He settled into his little cage (which turned out to be the perfect size, maybe even too big) as soon as he set foot in it. My mom, dad, and I watched him scurry and binky around eating hay, lettuce, and stealing treats from my hands. I think he's still getting used to the idea of people around him all the time but he seems really comfortable. My dad made him a little "hidey house" where true to it's namesake, bunny won't stop hiding in! I think he loves that little cardboard box that he used for the trip home. All my dad did was cut a little bunny-sized hole in the middle!For padding underneath the cage, my dad cut a 30 x 30 inch piece carpet (we had some left over). It's really soft and bunny seems to be enjoying it.

It turns out that Bugs is really not as gray as the pictures. He was in a cage at the Lafayette Pet Shop with Grayson, his brother. Both of them are gray with tan and white splotches on their feet and belly! Carolina and Theodore (I think) were there too... they had already been adopted as a pair. Carolina was extra cute with tan fur and gray patches here and there. They're actually all from the same litter. I think it would have been nice to bring Carolina home but I'm not complaining. Bugs is ah-mazing! Clara was there too. She is a little overweight, putting it lightly. Haha. I never expected her to be THAT big! She is truly humongous. She was sweet all the same. :)

At the shop, the manager showed us and confirmed everything that we needed. We ended up buying a small litter box (for Bugs' small size, $4.99), Purina Rabbit Pellets (the manager said they were important but I think they're fattening), Oxbow Orchard Hay (it came free with the bunny!), and Cat Pellet Litter ($12.99 and huge). His adoption was $50. Everything plus tax totaled around $79.

On the trip home, Bugs was terrified. The road wasn't exactly smooth and bunny was tossed to and fro. Poor little guy! I felt so sad as I hugged his box and opened the top to comfort him. He stuck his little head out and stared at me. It was the sweetest thing ever.

I think Bugs is tired from the long trip and entertaining us afterwards. Now he's sleeping in his little hidey house. Wahh. He's too cute. c:

I kind of want to watch him run around some more but he really is tired. Maybe I can lure him out later with some yummy lettuce! It seems as if he eats his food in priority. He likes the lettuce the most, pellets next, and hay last! He's really not a fan of hay.

BUGS IS A SMART COOKIE! I never ever expected that he would know how to use his litterbox just like that. He pooed a tiny little poop on the side but I scooped it up and put it in his litterbox. Immediately, he started using the litterbox. There's no pee or poop anywhere but where it's supposed to be. What a smart little darling. c:

When I pet him, he slinks back. I think he doesn't know us too well yet. I'm sure he'll get to know us in no time! He's an adventurous, brave bunny.

Now I just need to settle on a name. Ollie doesn't really catch on...
I need to watch him some more. :)
Pictures  will be coming soon~

i'm serious: i need names

Oh my gosh. Suzi hasn't replied to some of my questions but I'm pretty sure I'm meeting the bunnies (and taking one home) today! I'm beyond excited. omgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!

I really need to think of some bunny names. I'm still thinking Holly is my best choice but what if I adopt a boy bunny?
Girl names: 
Holly ★★
Daisy ★
Clover ★
Lacey ★
Emmy ★★

Boy names: 
Basil ★
Ollie ★★★
Teddy ★
Clover ★

I made this list by searching "bunny names" on Google. I'm so unoriginal. ; o; It served it's purpose though, haha. After I made the list I realized that Holly might actually not be the perfect choice. I might go with Daisy, Lacey, Clover, or Emmy. I guess I'll ask around. c: For a boy bunny, I'm probably gonna go with Ollie though. The name is just so cute ! I also like Clover, Basil, or Teddy for a boy. As you can see, I didn't exactly pick the most popular or even normal names ever created. I want my bunny to be at least a little unique. :)

I'll update with my choice as soon as I pick!
I think I'm leaving to adopt bunny soon!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

the cage is almost done~

Today everything began to come together. In the morning, I received a response from Suzi.

It turns out that Carolina could not be spayed because she is too little. Bugs 2 and his siblings, because they are male, were neutered. Clara as well as the other 4 month old bunnies have been spayed successfully! They're healthy and ready to go home with their adopters! Unfortunately, I was really counting on bringing Carolina home; she's my favorite. I asked Suzi if she could bring her anyways and if I could adopt her and then bring her for spaying later on. She hasn't replied yet.I'm really anxious because Carolina is really too cute. ; o;

Anyhow, we will be visiting the Lafayette Pet Shoppe tomorrow and adopting a bunny. I hope I fall in love with one of them so I don't wonder all the time how Carolina is...

Tomorrow I will be seeing Clara, Bugs  2, Grayson, Theodore, and hopefully Carolina.

WOW OH WOW OH WOW. Today, my dad, mom, and I embarked on an excursion to find a cage for bunny! We initially visited the Home Depot to see if they had any alternatives to the wire storage cubes. They had a lot of wire things but they would have been difficult to put together and it would have amounted to be more expensive.
We ended up purchasing one of these Design-A-Cube wire storage boxes with 4 cubes and 2 shelf dividers from Bed Bath & Beyond. It was originally priced at $19.99 but we had a $5 coupon floating around. With tax, the package totaled $16.49. That's pretty cheap, considering other cages at $39.99. It has 17 grids and an extra 2 shelf dividers (it's a grid with 4 hinge things to clamp onto). It also came with 20 handy connectors that I ended up using as oppose to tie straps other people online used. The grids are very, very sturdy and well made. Often I have bought things that don't even work because of the terrible craftsmanship. This product turned out to be the perfect material for a cage.

This is the cage. It's a two story 2 x 2 (each grid is 14 x 14 inches) "condo". It is humongous. I keep reading about people who made theirs 3 stories with 5 x 4 grids and I think "how does that fit in the house?" It's even more surprising because most of them live in apartments! Anyhow, bunny's probably pretty little and she won't be needing that kind of space any time soon. The top of the cage is open except for the area that's on the second story. My mom and dad still think the cage is way too big but I think it's perfect. I'm going to be putting lots of rugs and mats underneath. The little covered section on the first story is where her bed will go. I had a lot of trouble making the door that can swing out for bunny to come in and out of. The grids, once connected, are unmovable so I had to improvise. I used these wire tie things that come in some packages (who thought those would ever come into use?). That way, it can swing out. Instead of using a latch, I'll be tying some sort of string to close the door.The cage turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. I must be unbelievably talented. :)

So that's the cage. It's definitely not as extravagant as some of the NIC cube cages I've seen on Youtube but hey, it suits it's purpose. c; These cages are often used for Guinea pigs as well as rabbits. If you're thinking of getting one, I'd advise you to make one of these. You can customize it to fit your space and the result is pretty darn good. I think bunny will be enjoying the space. :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

bunny websites

I found a really cool website yesterday as I was desperately trying to find more information on bunnies (Yes, I do spend all of my free time looking at videos, articles, and pictures of house bunnies). It's called Basically, it's forum where pet owners come together to discuss and aid each other in their spectacular journeys with their pets. The rabbits in the forums are the cutest little darlings ever! I went through and stalked all the conversations (I'm creepy, I know). A lot of the bunnies were going through the teenager phase like me. The owners all say they're pretty hostile. I'm really scared of this factor.

After my creepy stalking, I made an account and made it pretty. I haven't posted yet because I don't know what to talk about since I haven't even met my bunny yet. I'm heels over head excited for her arrival so I'm wasting my time reading things about bunnies. I'm really just trying to prepare. If nothing works out in the end, I most definitely am going to fall into a heap of despair. Don't let this happen to me please. ; o;

Another fun website that I actually found on Suzi's business card is There is a huge community of bunny owners there who post pictures and updates of their bunnies. I think I found my haven. :) I spend time watching the unbelievably cute videos and educating myself through their bunny troubles.

I know a lot about bunnies now. A lot a lot a lot. As a display of my new found wisdom, I'm going to make sure that my bunny will have the best life possible. :'D I really don't want to mess up for once. I'm totally prepared for anything the little bunny can throw in my path. I'm ready. >:D

Updates on adoption:
Still no reply from Suzi. Okay fine, I know it's been 10 minutes but I am really dying for some response. I want to know how the bunnies are doing. ; o; I know she probably doesn't waste her life posting about bunnies and checking her e-mail for questions about bunnies but I think she should at least check more often. East Bay Rabbit Rescue should definitely make a blog about their bunnies and update these woefully eager people such as myself. AHH. I need to know how the surgery went and how they're doing and when I can take them home. ; o;


ahhh cages !!

I was going to make the cage today but my dad decided that he was going to ignore me. ; o;

Yesterday I looked up the most efficient ways to make a cage. In the end, I decided to construct one from wire storage cubes. They cost about $20-$40. Bed Bath & Beyond have them for $20 so the plan was to go there today (as you already know, it didn't work out D:). I'll probably venture down tomorrow and see if they have them in stock. If not, I don't know what to do. Target has them for $27 but they have to be ordered online. If the cost goes up too much, I don't see the point of making one when I could just buy one. It's really eating at me.
; o;. I'm not aloud to spend a lot of money though.

Proposition for caging:
Storage cube grids: 14ft by 14 ft. 3 cubes x 2 cubes x 2 cubes. Hopefully, this should work. The package comes with about 19 or 20 cubes, hopefully 20 because that's just enough. The top will be open so I can reach in and she doesn't feel closed in. The bottom will be a mat or rug type thing. Inside, we'll probably need to purchase a litter box, litter, hay, toys, etc. Her chew toys will be cardboard. c:

The other alternative is to construct a cage from woven wire that you can purchase at Home Depot or ACE. Unfortunately, they come in 50ft long rolls and aren't worth it when I would only use about 10 ft. It would also be much more difficult. I'm sure I'll think of something in time. ; o;

Updates on the appointment to see the bunnies:
NONE. Suzi (she's a foster volunteer who currently is housing all the baby bunnies) isn't responding to my e-mail so I had to send her another one today. The East Bay Rabbit Rescue website is really confusing me. It says that the rabbits are already spayed (updated a few days ago) but Suzi informed me that they were to be spayed today. I'm not sure which is right. Anyways, I e-mailed her today and hopefully the appointment will be very very soon. I wished them lots of luck for surgery. :)

It turns out that they're actually 12 weeks old now (EDIT// Clara is actually 5 months, the others are 3 months). Yes, it has been awhile! I was actually hoping I could get even younger bunnies like one month old. They're nearing the teenager period where rabbits are kind of jerks. I hope I can make it through as a first time bunny owner. Spaying and neutering helps keep the results to a minimum but nevertheless bunnies can be very destructive during the teenager age. My mom would kill me if they chewed our furniture. This poses another difficult problem:

The storage cubes I am going to buy are 14 ft tall and bunnies can jump well over 14 ft. If my bunny hops out one day and chews up our house, I am officially dead. My mom says we can just cover up the top when we're not home but I think it would make bunny feel closed in. It's all so difficult. ; o;

Anyhow, I really hope Suzi responds soon (with good news!) and that I can have the cage up soon.
Well, gotta go practice piano. :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

the name game

So the date to meet the bunnies has pretty much been set up. I'm super excited! They're getting spayed/neutered on Monday the 20th. I hope they make it through super well. :) Luck luck luck!!

I've been thinking of names for the bunnies. I know they already have names and stuff but Carolina and Clara are too normal and unbunnylike. Bugs 2 is bunnylike but really weird, haha. Since they're going to come just before Christmas, I'm thinking of Christmasy stuff like Holly(girl) or Mistletoe(boy). I really don't know. What's a good name for a bunny? ; o;

Maybe I'll name bunny after I get to know her. c: It could be based on her personality like the seven dwarfs except I'd never name her "Grumpy" or "Happy" or anything.

I like the idea of a name after some sort of candy like Truffles, Caramel, Vanilla, or something of the sort.

Basically, I just don't really want to keep the current names. It's not like they're bad names or anything but I think naming the bunny will be part of bonding. It's not even like bunny will know it's name. I just want the feeling of really knowing her. c:

Anyways, I'll think about it and keep the blog posting. It's winter break, after all, and I'll have much more time!

Looking forward to welcoming bunny home. c:

Sunday, December 12, 2010


      So basically, I'm getting a bunny in a week or two. I've been looking forward to this for a month now and I have literally been to all of the rabbit related websites, reading and learning. My new bunny will live in a fair space that my dad will construct. It's probably going to be wire caging and a rug or mat on the bottom. Once it's done, a new bunny can come home. :) The search hasn't been easy. I'm unfortunately allergic to many pets (cats, dogs, you name it) and hay (a huge part of a bunny's diet). Thankfully, I'm going to try my way around it by buying cleaner hay and supplying it as neatly as possible. The allergy specialist thinks I'll be fine, and I think I'll be fine too.
      Now, all I need is an adorable, fun bunny. I visited HRS in Richmond, Rabbit Ears in El Cerrito, and ARF in Walnut Creek but I haven't met the perfect bunny for me. Next week sometime, I'm going to be meeting three bunnies from the East Bay Rabbit Rescue that I saw pictures of online. All three are adorable babies whose mothers were abandoned:

Isn't she cute? *o* She's a 8 week old bunny with the cutest little white patches on her nose and paws. She'll grow up to be about 4.5lbs and she's 2lbs now. I really like her, she's so cute. c:

My mom thinks her coloring is too much like a wild bunny but I think that's what makes her beautiful!

Seriously though, she's gorg.

Bugs 2;
He's a suuupperrr-cute gray bunny who's from the same place as Carolina. They were both owned by a bunny-hoarder who ended up selling his about 200 bunnies or giving them away. Their parents were abandoned like so but these two have been showered with love since birth. :) 

This little bunny is the same size as Carolina! He looks a lot like the bunny my dad had in China. They're both gray, small, and absolutely huggable. *o*

Unfortunately, this guy definitely needs a name change. ; o;

Oddly enough, Clara is one of the names my mom wanted to name me. Hahaa... ; o;
Anyways, I really love her spots and her English Spot breed is one of the best family bunny breeds because they have great personalities. I can't wait to meet her !
My dad doesn't like her spots though. Whats the matter with him? D:<

     So those are the candidates. I wish I could bring all of them home but I'm satisfied with one. It took forever to convince my mom anyways and I'm afraid that if I ask for more, she'll take everything away, haah. c:
Wish me luck~