Monday, December 20, 2010

bunny websites

I found a really cool website yesterday as I was desperately trying to find more information on bunnies (Yes, I do spend all of my free time looking at videos, articles, and pictures of house bunnies). It's called Basically, it's forum where pet owners come together to discuss and aid each other in their spectacular journeys with their pets. The rabbits in the forums are the cutest little darlings ever! I went through and stalked all the conversations (I'm creepy, I know). A lot of the bunnies were going through the teenager phase like me. The owners all say they're pretty hostile. I'm really scared of this factor.

After my creepy stalking, I made an account and made it pretty. I haven't posted yet because I don't know what to talk about since I haven't even met my bunny yet. I'm heels over head excited for her arrival so I'm wasting my time reading things about bunnies. I'm really just trying to prepare. If nothing works out in the end, I most definitely am going to fall into a heap of despair. Don't let this happen to me please. ; o;

Another fun website that I actually found on Suzi's business card is There is a huge community of bunny owners there who post pictures and updates of their bunnies. I think I found my haven. :) I spend time watching the unbelievably cute videos and educating myself through their bunny troubles.

I know a lot about bunnies now. A lot a lot a lot. As a display of my new found wisdom, I'm going to make sure that my bunny will have the best life possible. :'D I really don't want to mess up for once. I'm totally prepared for anything the little bunny can throw in my path. I'm ready. >:D

Updates on adoption:
Still no reply from Suzi. Okay fine, I know it's been 10 minutes but I am really dying for some response. I want to know how the bunnies are doing. ; o; I know she probably doesn't waste her life posting about bunnies and checking her e-mail for questions about bunnies but I think she should at least check more often. East Bay Rabbit Rescue should definitely make a blog about their bunnies and update these woefully eager people such as myself. AHH. I need to know how the surgery went and how they're doing and when I can take them home. ; o;


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