Thursday, December 23, 2010


Day two with bunny and he's already up to mischief! I should have followed the advice I found online not to let new bunnies into the home. I let him out twice today and he chewed up bits and pieces of the wood below the windows. It's terrible! He climbs into the small gap there and chews to his hearts content. My mom is mad and I'm miserable. ; o; I ended up buying a bunch of toys today for him to play with and keep himself occupied. I thought it might relieve his extreme need to nibble everything. He ignores his jingly ball. He only looks at the wood to chew. He ignores the paper tubes. He likes, however, to nibble his food bowl, the cage, and our house! He's a naughty bunny!!

At least I think he knows me though. He doesn't get spooked when I walk over to his cage and he doesn't flinch when I pet him. He doesn't want me to hold him though and I'm scared to force him. Today I had to direct him forcibly back to his cage though. He really is naughty! I think he's obsessed with getting out of the cage. He likes it, but it's even larger outside and he loves the long narrow passages.

This morning when I let him out, he did a bunch of binkys. I think he's really happy running around kind of freely. He doesn't really care to go into the living room or anything. He's content with chewing up the hall. Now I know how different bunnies are from cats or dogs. He can't understand me! When I say "NO" while he's chewing, he ignores me. I have to scare him off by gently hitting him. Even then, he just picks a new spot. The paint on the wood is terrible for him and I'm afraid he'll get sick. He's not gonna get to come out of his cage anytime soon! It's time for hands-on punishment. D:<

I don't want to affect our bonding though. I realize that if he gets too scared of me, he'll hate me forever. I have to find a way and be able to bond with him while not putting our house at stake. I think I might be more resistant when I open the door to his cage and push him back in. Otherwise, I have to lure him from the narrow passageways by pretending to have treats (I don't want to overfeed him!).

I posted a question on a bunny forum asking if anyone could determine his breed. Some people said that he's a Rex. After they found out that he's actually 3 lbs right now, they think he's a Flemish Giant. I don't agree. ; o; Suzi thinks he'll grow up to be only 4.5 lbs. He really looks like a Rex mix though. Maybe he's a Mini Rex? I'm just scared he'll grow to be 20 lbs. If so, I don't know what to do. I DEFINITELY can't house a 20-pound bunny in the house...even 9 lbs is too much. My mom thinks 4.5 lbs is even heavy. I'm going to ask Suzi what she thinks. I also want to know his birthday...

Bunny let me take pictures of him today! He didn't run away when he saw the camera and he just sat there pooping and drinking water. The pictures seriously don't do him justice though. He's MUCH cuter in rabbit. c: I'll post them when I'm not feeling so down...

As for naming, I'm at a loss. I don't want to end up just calling him Bunny though. I have to concentrate. o;< Think bunny names!

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