Thursday, December 23, 2010

so here's the truth

Today I found out from Suzi that bunny is actually 4 months old already! I thought he was 3 months haha. I guess this is good because it means he won't grow into a 20-pound rabbit... His mommy's 4 lbs but I don't know about his daddy. Suzi says that if he's a flemish giant, he'd be over 8 lbs by now. Although he definitely is not a flemish giant or even a giant rabbit (he's only 3.8 lbs right now) I keep feeling like he looks like one. His ears are so big and flemish looking! His fur is also kind of flemish-y. Maybe one of his parents is part flemish giant. You know, just a little. :) I hope he doesn't grow too big... I think 4.5 lbs is perfect for a little bunny like Bugs. :'D

He looks more like a mini rex to me anyways, just minus the velvet fur. It's a recessive gene (I learned this from a forum) and only purebred rex's have it. It's not too much of a benefit anyways because the extremely short fur means that his feet aren't well protected and can become very sore. I want Bugs to be comfortable and happy more than anything else. He just came out to munch on hay (he only eats it when he has nothing else to eat) and I went to watch him. He's so calm right now...

By the way, finding his weight was NOT easy. I read online that you can find their weight by weighing yourself and subtracting that from you + your bunny. This means that I have to pick him up. Bugs isn't really used to be idea of being picked up. My dad's really good with animals (well, cats and rabbits, anyways) so he picked him up. He stroked him gently near his head and he became very, very calm. My dad picked him up (the cage has really high sides so it's really difficult) and he struggled a little. He calmed him down and held him like a baby. Then he stroked him some more and he calmed down. After weighing, it was really scary to put him back. He started struggling like crazy and although my dad tried to calm him down, he wouldn't. He ended up dashing to his hide-away house and stayed there for 10 minutes. Then he came out and munched on hay and bunny droppings. c:

I'm still wondering about his birthday. I don't think Suzi knows and I definitely have no idea. Maybe I'll just take his adoption date and push it back 4 months. At least I'll have some sort of an idea for his age... In that case, his birthday would be August 22, 2010. I've always enjoyed August. :)

As for naming, I'm completely lost. Alene (my veryveryveryvery good friend!) came over awhile ago and Bugs (I'll just call him this for now) was very shy! It's so unlike him. At last, he came out because I lured him with some tasty romaine lettuce! He munched it just outside of his hide-away house just in case of danger. He's so cute I feel like squealing when he stands up. Anyways, we came up with this list:
Cedar (even though Cedar litter is bad for him!)
Chance (it's just a cute name)
Acorn (like in this easter bunny book I have...)
Darcy (pride and prejudice)
or, my personal favorite that my mom and I came up with, Romeo (no, not like romeo & juliet; more like romaine lettuce!)
Writing the birthday part of this post actually made me think his name could be August. It could be like in August Rush or something. I don't know. I just like that name.

Whatever his name will be, he's a lovely little boy and I have officially fallen in love with him.

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